Dry mouth | ToothCity

Information about dry mouth

Dry mouth, also called xerostomia, refers to the condition when one's salivary glands do not produce enough saliva to keep the mouth and mucous membranes moist or when the consistency of the saliva has changed. Saliva is a very important part of our oral hygiene as it helps us chew and swallow and cleans, protects and repairs our teeth.

Causes of dry mouth

Dry mouth | ToothCityThere are many different reasons why you suffer from dry mouth. Simple things like breathing too much with your mouth or snoring are reasons for increased risk of dry mouth. But where there are at least as many treatments to deal with it.
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– Side effects from medications
Many prescription medications cause side effects in the form of dry mouth. The most common types are those used to treat depression, anxiety and high blood pressure. Some pain and muscle relaxant medications as well as some antihistamines and decongestants can also cause dry mouth.

– Diseases and infections
Different types of diseases and infections can cause dry mouth.

- Dehydration
Dry mouth can occur for the simple reason that we forget to drink. In combination with high temperatures and a lot of activity, it can become a problem, especially during summer.

- Age
The older we get, the greater the risk of dry mouth. The reason for this is above all side effects from increased intake of medications. Older people are also the group of individuals who suffer the most from nutritional deficiencies and long-term illnesses.

– Tobacco, alcohol, coffee and food
Beer, wine, spirits, cigarettes and snuff can cause or worsen dry mouth. Where even coffee, sweets or sweet and sour food can have a negative impact.

Symptoms of dry mouth

The symptoms of dry mouth are many and vary from person to person. It may sound obvious how it is detected, but depending on how quickly or slowly dry mouth occurs, it can be difficult to detect on your own. The symptoms can be:
- Difficult and dry feeling in the mouth
– Constant thirst
– Sore throat, dry nose, hoarseness
- Problems with speaking or difficulty tasting, chewing and swallowing
- Bad breath
– Dry tongue
– Thick or stringy saliva
– Cracks and sores at the corners of the mouth, on the lips or inside the mouth
– Problems with dental hygiene in the form of plaque or caries
- Difficult to use dentures

Discomfort due to dry mouth

- Caries
– Infections in the teeth and oral cavity
– Gum diseases
If you suffer from dry mouth, we recommend that you contact us at TandCity. Untreated dry mouth can give rise to many different problems and complaints. Our saliva plays an incredibly large and important role in being able to maintain good oral hygiene, and a dry mouth with impaired saliva production runs a greater risk of, for example, cavities in the teeth, gingivitis or infections.


There are a number of different treatments for dry mouth. Own treatments as well as recommendations and treatments from your dentist.

Own treatment

There are a variety of very simple techniques you can use to combat dry mouth. Ask the pharmacy's knowledgeable staff for advice on which products might suit you.
– Drink water or sugar-free drinks, alternatively suck on ice to keep your mouth moist throughout the day.
– Chew sugar-free gum or sugar-free candy.
- Use saliva substitutes that contain xylitol. Available to buy at the pharmacy.
– Breathe through the nose and seek treatment for snoring
- Buy a humidifier
- Keep your lips moist with lypsyl or similar.

Do you suffer from dry mouth or other dental and oral problems? TandCity offers high quality and modern dental care for old as well as new customers.