We have extensive experience in treating gingivitis and tooth loss

Brushing the teeth with toothpaste and cleaning between the teeth with dental floss at least twice a day is part of good oral hygiene. Unfortunately, these measures are not always enough or the cleaning is insufficient. This increases the risk of suffering from gingivitis.

Causes and prevention of gingivitis

At TandCity in Malmö, you can get a thorough and professional cleaning according to your individual needs. For some, there is a greater risk of suffering from oral diseases, eg for diabetics and smokers.

Therefore, we are careful to give each patient a completely individually adapted treatment for gingivitis or other problem areas. Sometimes many treatments may be needed. When required or the patient particularly wishes, we carry out treatments with general anaesthesia.

A regular professional dental hygienist treatment consists of:

  • A clinical check and information, including a short gingivitis check.
  • Aesthetic cleaning
  • Deep cleaning if necessary
  • Polishing
  • Oral hygiene - Instructions and advice for proper dental care
  • Recommendation of special products, if this is required
Method for treating gingivitis step by step

What exactly is Periodontitis?

The first phase of Periodontitis is often called Gingivitis, which is a gum inflammation caused by bacteria in the gum line. A characteristic of the inflammation is that the gums bleed when you brush your teeth or floss.

If the inflammation spreads deeper into the tissues, the tooth bone can also be attacked and give rise to tooth loss. If treatment is not instituted, the teeth may be lost completely. Gingivitis mostly occurs due to poor oral hygiene, but it can also be caused by other factors such as smoking, heredity, special bacteria and diabetes.

If you want to prevent or prevent the risk of periodontitis, you should take care of your oral hygiene with daily dental care, regular dental hygiene visits and preferably stop smoking. Treatment of gingivitis rarely involves antibiotics.

With a professional teeth cleaning you save both time and money and also get a beautiful smile.

Inflamed gums/Periodontitis Award
Treatment of periodontal disease (periodontitis) or peri-implantitis, minor extent 615
Treatment of periodontal disease (periodontitis) or peri-implantitis, greater extent 1195
Treatment of periodontal disease (periodontitis) or peri-implantitis, especially time-consuming treatment 1800

TandCity – emergency dental care in Malmö

Are you in need of an emergency time or do you want to have a time quickly for some other reason?


Just calm down, we’ll help you. We understand that some things can’t wait and make sure you get a time as soon as possible. Contact us at phone number 040 23 66 00 or book your time online. Warm welcome!