Welcome to our smile gallery!

Here you see a selection of before and after pictures for various treatments. For more pictures, you are welcome to our Instagram page here:

Instagram  (Click on the Instagram logo)


Picture 1: The patient wants to have his gap between the front teeth removed
Image 2: With digital imaging, you can see how the final result will be
Image 3: Facades on four incisors

Before treatment porcelain veneers - TandCity
Före behandling / The patient wish to close the gap between the front teeth
After treatment porcelain veneers -TandCity
Efter behandling / By using digital imaging the final result can be illustrated
After porcelain facades -TandCity
Efter behandling / Veneers have been used on the patient’s four front teeth


The patient wanted smoother and more Hollywood White teeth
Picture 1-2: Before and after treatment
Image 3 Visualization
Image 4 After treatment

Before treatment smiledesign-TandCity
Före behandling / Before treatment
After treatment smile design -TandCity
Efter behandling / After treatment
Visualizing treatment for smile design -TandCity
Före behandling / Visualising
A perfect smile in Malmö -TandCity
Efter behandling / After treatment


The patient wanted fixed teeth in the upper and lower jaw.

Before treatment dental implants in Malmö - TandCity
Före behandling / Before treatment
After treatment dental implants in Malmö - TandCity
Efter behandling / After treatment


The patient wanted even teeth in both the upper and lower jaw.
Decision on Invisalign treatment.
The pictures show before and after treatment for the upper and lower jaw.

Before treatment with Invisalign for the lower jaw - TandCity
Före behandling / Before treatment
After treatment with Invisalign for the lower jaw - TandCity
Efter behandling / After treatment
Before treatment with Invisalign for the upper jaw - TandCity
Före behandling / Before treatment
After treatment with Invisalign for the upper jaw - TandCity
Efter behandling / After treatment
Cleaning and ZOOM bleaching Before
Cleaning and ZOOM bleaching after

TandCity – emergency dental care in Malmö


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Just calm down, we’ll help you. We understand that some things can’t wait and make sure you get a time as soon as possible. Contact us at phone number 040 23 66 00 or book your time online. Warm welcome!